Julia Hawley, Karen Smith and Jennifer Wilson have been working on new shirt designs for the BTA to be used for overseas travel and of course to wear in Bermuda!! There are 3 shirts available in fantastic designs. A short sleeve and long sleeve workout shirt and a polo shirt. See Designs below. They are all available in men, women and youth style and sizes – sizing chart also attached.

Costs are as follows:

Polo shirt – $50

Long sleeve workout shirt – $ 57

Short sleeve workout shirt – $ 53.

If you are going to Magog, Penticton, Chattanooga or Rotterdam and would like one or more of the shirts, orders must be placed by no later than 30 June 2017 by e-mail to Julia at (and cc. Jennifer Wilson at Orders will also have to be paid for in full by Friday 30 June – payment must be made to Julia who will provide her bank account details once you confirm your order to her by e-mail.

Long-sleeved shirt – $57
Polo Shirt – $50
Short-sleeved shirt – $53